All-CMS meetup

Monthly open online meetup


Featured Talk: Core Web Vitals

What web professionals need to know now about Core Web Vitals.

In May 2020 Google announced a long-term introduction of Core Web Vitals as key parameters for website quality measurement. These are part of a larger number of metrics, the Web Vitals, that Google considers fundamental indicators for the user experience.

Now one year later, the introduction is on the go. In the first phase three elements will be key ranking criteria for the Page Experience Score:

  • Loading (Largest Contentful Paint, LCP)
  • Interactivity (First Input Delay, FID)
  • Visual Stability (Cumulative Layout Shift, CLS)

Our May edition ot the All-CMS Meetup is dedicated to this topic. Andrey Lipattsev, partner development manager at Google, gives an introduction to Core Web Vitals, followed by a round of Q+A.

CMS Garden members and everyone interested is welcome to join the monthly meetup. Besides the odd presentation we normally talk about event announcements and news from the CMS communities, share experience and thoughts, CMS-neutral or specific.

Missed or want to review the video talk?

The video conferencing solution is a self-hosted BigBlueButton operated on infrastructure with server location in Germany. Attendees could choose participate with their real name or with a pseudonym. The talk has been announced to be recorded, respecting those who feel uncomfortable with possibly being "in the picture".



Ping @andrey in our chat (CMS Garden's RocketChat), he says he'd be very happy about that.

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